Visit a complete database of SEEDS, a project at the University of Central Florida Libraries spearheaded by SOC co-founder Cecilia Rodríguez Milanés.


From 1990 to 1993, I embarked on an adventure in Albany, New York, known as the Sisters of Color Writers Collective (SOC, 1990–2000). I was a young, very green poet, newly arrived in Albany, and SOC was my home away from home. Co-founded by Druis Beasley, Esperanza Cintrón and Cecilia Rodríguez Milanés and characterized by an evolving chorus of voices, SOC women wrote across genres, held public readings around the New York tri-state area—and, later, Detroit—and conducted workshops in correctional facilities and elsewhere. We also ate good and laughed a lot.

SOC published the journal SEEDS, which is now the subject of Volume 22, Kindred Spirits Spark, of the Among the Neighbors pamphlet series. Published by The State University of New York at Buffalo Libraries, the series is dedicated to the non-academic and academic study of little magazines from 1940 and after. For more informtion on obtaining this and other copies, contact Edric Mesmer at